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why does people use social media for? - Printable Version

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why does people use social media for? - Sakura - 10-14-2012 05:53 AM

i know its to communicate and socialize but what more do everyone use it for?

- ICE - 10-14-2012 06:01 AM

I heard people who are overly active on facebook are looking for validation,sympathy, and (or) self conscious. Like if one of your status post goes unliked or not commented on you feel unimportant or like crap. But then again we are all self conscious about something. Although I have noticed the people on social media sites the most are searching for dome validation and attention

- Stephanie - 10-14-2012 06:01 AM

Networking, dating, getting yourself or something "out there", staying in touch, finding lost loved ones, passing boredom...

- Sean - 10-14-2012 06:01 AM

Because of FB I've actually caught up with people that I served in the military with that I thought I would never talk to or see again.

Alternatively with FB you can 'Like' a wide array of pages and see any new updates all on one page without visiting multiple websites. For instance I can get info on specific TV shows, sports teams, local stores (sales and events) individually that i have an interest in without going to that mediums website and dealing with all the other crap that they have involvement in or are trying to push. Same with You Tube, subscribe to channels and when you log on you can see new posted videos from sources that you prefer or follow.

In truth it is actually a way to take out the middle man and go right to what you want. You don't have to sift through newspaper ads or news articles to find the info you want. You don't have to sit through commercial ads (You tube gives you the 'skip ad' option) to watch what you want.

- jac the hat - 10-14-2012 06:01 AM

its a way of socialising without committment - Its all fluff and nonsense so nothing really matters - So I'd say light relief - making each other laugh.