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Can I switch back to my yahoo mail classic. I don't like the new version of yahoo mail.? - Printable Version

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Can I switch back to my yahoo mail classic. I don't like the new version of yahoo mail.? - Pravda - 01-15-2014 07:42 AM

The new version of yahoo mail is full with stuff I do not use and it is much complicated and harder to use. I use 2 main accounts and I am disappointed when yesterday I made upgrade to the latest version of the way my main inboxs look.

- blueblue - 01-15-2014 07:43 AM

Fight! Complain! Protest!
There is a workaround while we fight for Yahoo to realize they should not force us to change. Follow the directions in this YouTube video and please spread the word about the petition and the workaround.

- Trooper63 - 01-15-2014 07:57 AM

I just noticed that I have been accused of working for Yahoo due to the below answer....=)) ....I am 72 yrs old and I assure you that I do not work for Yahoo. I have been in the New format for some time now and below is my honest opinion...

I have to admit that I did not like the New version when it first came out. Like me, if you just give it a chance and learn how it works, you will like it as much as the Classic. The below links should help.
Classic version is no longer available. You now have the New version or the Basic version of it. In addition...ALL of your emails are on one page. The best way I have found to scroll down through them is to place your pointer in the scroll box on the right side and ONE click to move your emails down/up one page and either holding down the pointer with the left click of your mouse or RAPIDLY clicking on the mouse to move the emails up/down RAPIDLY.
If you want to go to a "basic" version (not Classic which is gone) then select mail options under the gear icon in the upper right. On the "general" options page scroll to the bottom. There you have a choice of "full featured" or "basic". Click on SAVE when done. If you decide on the Basic format some features will be this link for details....

Note: for you that like only so many emails per page...use this. I do not see where you can determine how many per page, but you will have 25 per page(that is what I have)AND you will have page numbers in the upper right. Some answers have suggested you can change how many per page through OPTIONS, but I do not have it...
Note: I have seen that this is the format you should use if you have a slow/old computer

There is one option in the New format if you want fewer emails per page..starting with six...Hover your pointer over the GEAR...upper right...then MAIL OPTIONS...then place a check mark in the box left of "Enable Preview Pane" and click on SAVE...Once the screen is up you can increase the number of emails displayed by placing your cursor on the line just below the list(goes left to right)click and hold down the left click of your mouse and drag it down. Even though you have a few less emails than the normal view.....You will still have to scroll down through all your emails as they are ALL still on ONE page.
To switch back use the link to "switch to newest Yahoo! mail" at the top of the page.
This link is a yahoo tutorial to explain the email format
This link is a great tutorial for how to handle almost everything in the Newest version. If you can't find it just enter your question in the search bar..