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Referring to a married man as love/luv? - Printable Version

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Referring to a married man as love/luv? - Keshia - 10-14-2012 06:09 AM

I have been married for almost 9 years. Over the last several years, things have been rocky, but once he went on deployment with the navy, the last couple of months of deployment have been extremely rocky. He loves to be around women because he says that is is less drama dealing with females than. He has been on deployment for 4 months and has friended several females. I know could be paranoid and I am not trying to control him. Should another woman be referring to him as babe or hun or luv/love on email, facebook, or any other social media? Should married men be in search of female friends that are not part of him and his wife's circle? I personally think he has something to hide, but he pins everything on me. He thinks I am cheating on him. I have a daughter and she is my priority. He doesn't not like for me to go to a movie with a female friend, but he can hang out. Am I missing something? Is he is cheating? Am I worked up over nothing?

- jollybeast953 - 10-14-2012 06:17 AM

It doesn't necessarily mean that he's cheating but the fact that he likes girls show it's not likely that he only likes talking to them.

- AS - 10-14-2012 06:17 AM

I've heard of women call men hun but that's flirty and def not love or babe, I'd be worried. And most common thing that cheaters will do is accuse you of cheating. I'm not quite sure of the reason, I think it was that they cheat, feel guilty and by accusing you they get a feeling of relief about their own misbehavior.

I hope I'm wrong, wish you the best outcome.

- JustChill - 10-14-2012 06:17 AM

Research the terms "narcissit" and "projecting"

- risingphoenix - 10-14-2012 06:17 AM

There is something seriously wrong here. Its not normal for females to call a married men as luv, or darling or babe. They would do that only because your husband doesn't value u (edited) enough to keep his stand and distance from other women. and entertains them. and is overly chivalrous and gentle around them while harsh with you and your feelings. he wants to feel like an alpha male and enjoy the attention those women give him

And please dont fall for the excuses hes giving. I know how you are feeling.
Hes trying to get excitement elsewhere. and its eat you from within . on top of that he is accusing you of infidelty when hes the one who is straying away and enjoying himself whie controlling you and inhibiting your basic freedom with your female friends.

I dont know if hes cheating on you 100% , but am sure he is flirting around and likes being in the spotlight around women. and has tons of excuses for wanting attention from females. He is definitely taking you and your feelings for granted.

its time to have a nice , long and assertive converstaion with your husband and communicate things through. Well , although i am sure its bound to go on deaf ears (coz he wont feel hes doing anything wrong and wll turn the tables on you) , it is still worth a try.

Good luck

- gigantictent257 - 10-14-2012 06:17 AM

Yes it is true that this is wrong....He should let them know that he is a one woman man.
But sometimes....
by creation if a husband isnt treated like the alpha male by his woman he will find joy in the attention given by others.
Have you been good to him.Its a question u should ask urself.
There are so many husbands humiliated by the woman he trusted with his pride
Women who say their husband is not MAN ENOUGH...Women who show high headedness to their men.
...these are the words and behaviours... than can destroy any man ..
what do you expect from such men.....still these men hold on...they perservere for a promise made long back.
so ur husband has no excuses....if he loves u he will stay away .period.
if it hurts u so much u have to let him know now and clearly.nothing wrong in it.just watch ur tone.

Oh yeah ..Just because your husband is accusing you dosent mean he is cheating ...what kind of college talk is that.dont listen to people who
have the divorce bug in their blood.These will ruin their life and urs as well.I mean arent u accusing him now..does that mean u r bad too.bogus...or do the laws change..
u dont need anyone to tell u what is right but your heart.
Listening to others will complicate ur will make u vain n angry.
you are his wife and you gave urself up to him so his fidelity is and will be your right....
He is yours and u have to make this clear to him.unless u r in an open relationship...
if not then eventually u will start hating him....but it will be cause by your own inactions.

These girls out there who call him hun and darling are the ones whose only goal is to wear good clothes and roam around with their friends and focus on their carrier ,and independance.They are the Sirens of today...
All they need is some justification for doing so n they r off.....

Then never think that because of their actions someones dedicated wife is getting hurt.
They are mostly rebellious against their own husbands (reasons a plenty) and
your husband should keep himself away from such females since he has u waiting for him, wanting him,needing him.

Try to be gentle with the written media if he is away now.
When he is with you talk out matters,nothing will sort out by itself...time dosent rots things....
Marriage is a commitment and since u both made this commitment he shouldnt do this.......

Dont waste time,,,but take decisions with a calm mind,never lose focus of your marriage.that should be priority for a Married matter how dark the night..