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How do I operate a twitter account? - Printable Version

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How do I operate a twitter account? - Ebiamadon Andi - 01-16-2014 06:23 AM

- Louise - 01-16-2014 06:29 AM

Tweet - a Twitter single update of 140 characters or less, which can include @Mentions to other users, hashtags, external links, or simply regular text.Prefacing a word with a '#' will create a hashtag. A hashtag makes a certain word easily searchable.

Retweet or "RT" - taking a tweet from one user and posting it yourself, automatically crediting the source, so that all of your followers can see the tweet.

Click '@Mentions' to see if there are any replies to any of your 'tweets'. When tweeting, using '@' followed by a username (with no spaces) in your tweet will send a mention to the user you choose. For example, '@username' will send a mention to 'username', and the entire tweet will show up in his '@mentions' section.

DMs are direct messages. They go straight to the intended person that you are messaging. The DM feature uses an inbox and outbox system, but you are still limited to using 140 characters; you are also limited to sending DMs to only those users who follow you. DMs cannot be seen by anyone other than yourself and the chosen recipient, and are thus more personal. To send a DM, go to the page of the follower you're sending one to, and click on the "Message" box.

- Daniel - 01-16-2014 06:45 AM

Are you Trying to Open your Twitter Account If So you Just Go to Put In your Login information Email And Password And Than your in

If your Trying to Mention Someone In a Tweet Type @ And Than There Username

If your Trying to Send a Private Message to Someone Go to There Twitter than Click on Direct Message