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How can I make sure that no one can find my Instagram through facebook or contact search that IG provides? - Printable Version

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How can I make sure that no one can find my Instagram through facebook or contact search that IG provides? - Blah - 01-16-2014 08:44 AM

I had an Instagram that everyone knew and it was public, I had no problem with that and didn't care if people found me through the "Find & Invite Friends" thing that Instagram provides. But, I ended up deleting that account because I was sick of people on there and just didn't want it anymore.

Now, I have made a new account with an email no one should know and a username no one would search. I don't really wanna be found on there right now. But, I did click the find friends thing and then did the facebook search..and it got me to thinking that somehow maybe they could still find me. So, I went to the sharing part to see where my pics were linking to and sure enough facebook was connected so I unlinked it.

Does this mean now that no one can find me through the facebook search? Since I unlinked it.. I also went on my own facebook and deleted the instagram app off of there. Then I saw you can import your contacts and find people through there, so I did that just to see.. and only like 5 people came up so I'm assuming those people entered in their phone number when first making their instagram. I'm almost positive I didn't do that.. so does that mean they cant find me through the contact search either? Thanks. It's not really a BIG deal if people start finding me. but i'd like to stay unfound for a little bit on there its nicer that way haha.

- Ali - 01-16-2014 08:53 AM

Hi,dear.In short,in your settings you can block anybody or anything you dislike for your own private reasons!Good luck+success!