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The writing on my facebook has suddenly become tiny, how do I fix this? - Printable Version

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The writing on my facebook has suddenly become tiny, how do I fix this? - Emily - 01-16-2014 10:48 AM

All of the writing on my facebook as suddenly gone tiny to the point where I have to look really close and squint just to read it...
I have looked for a 'zoom in' option and I can't find one, does anyone know how to fix this?
Thank youuuSmile)
I'm on a windows laptop using chrome.

- N64Foreva - 01-16-2014 10:54 AM

Hold down 'Ctrl' and scroll up!

- Rose - 01-16-2014 11:09 AM

It might not be just on facebook, you might have done it to your whole computer... did you hit anything odd? For me, if I go to google, hit the options wheel, there's a zoom option, and you click which percentage you want zoomed.

- Thank - 01-16-2014 11:22 AM

Are you using PC ? Try to log out then restart your PC and login . Hope i can help Smile

- Dr Redthumb - 01-16-2014 11:24 AM

activate the window, then hold down the ctrl key and either use the scroll button on your mouse or press the + key.

- then that is exactly how you do it.

- schackall2001 - 01-16-2014 11:36 AM


Hold the left "CTRL" and pull the mouse Wheel to you, it should re-size the fonts.

You can also hold the same "CTRL" and press the "+" sign to make them bigger or "-" to make them smaller.

That should fix your issue,

- Matt - 01-16-2014 11:48 AM

are you on a mac or windows? laptop or desktop? which browser? firefox, chrome, or IE?
There is 16 different things you might need to do depending on which combination of these you are using. ill give you 2:
if you're on windows IE i think you hold control and use the scroll to zoom in and out.
if you're on safari view>zoom out or command+

- Blas - 01-16-2014 11:59 AM

Press Ctrl + 0 (zero) to reset zoom to default.

To re-zoom fast, press Ctrl and roll the mousewheel back and forth.