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why arent some stories on facebook not showing on news feed? - Printable Version

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why arent some stories on facebook not showing on news feed? - anonymous - 01-17-2014 07:37 AM

The box above the chat box on the right side of the newsfeed shows who likes what. But when im on my actual newsfeed, it doesn't show me that my friends liked another friend's photo. Only on the tab above the chat icon. I would like it if there would be a way that the box above the chat box could be my actual newsfeed. Also, my friend told me she changed her profile picture but it didn't show up on my newsfeed. It =showed up on the right box above the chat box but not on my newsfeed. I tried to do sort most recent but that still didn't show up. Im not getting new stories and such but I want there to be a way where I don't have to look at the right side of the screen and have the right top box be my actiual newsfeed because I remember that is what facebook USED to be. everything that is going on in facebook, its happening MOSTLY on the right box. NOT on the newsfeeds. why is this? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
just realized the right box above chat box is called TICKER. is there a way to make TICKER my newsfeed?

- Arjun - 01-17-2014 07:47 AM

Hope filtering should work...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

- pri✍ - 01-17-2014 07:55 AM

Maybe you hid the ticker, do you see any icon that look like arrow pointing up to a line? It's clearly like that if it's open; if it's close, the arrow is pointing down, click on it to open it.