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What kind of facebook game to play? - Printable Version

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What kind of facebook game to play? - Hiyaam - 01-17-2014 12:36 PM

I have played farmville, chefville, and almost all the zynga games. I played them a lot! I even spent real money (like $10) i got so sick of them and deleted my facebook, but i made a new account and now I want to find a new game to play. I do not want anything that will stress me out!
Farmville and chefville annoyed the crap outta me! It was so hectic, everyday they hit you with something new and you have to keep up and it pissed me off.
Is there any game that is just laid back and fun? I have A LOT of free time, i'm a housewife, and I want something to do. Any suggestions?

- abraXus - 01-17-2014 12:42 PM

they are all hectic like that - that's how they make money, by pressuring the people who play

you might want to try hidden chronicles tho - that one is not so bad

- M - 01-17-2014 12:57 PM

Candy Crush is fine if you like pressure to play everyday like FarmVille either.

Also, Angry Birds or Word Challenge