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On facebook by mistake i press the button for timeline but i am comfortable to put my profile old way? - Printable Version

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On facebook by mistake i press the button for timeline but i am comfortable to put my profile old way? - shanavas M P - 02-17-2014 09:54 PM

On facebook by mistake i press the button for timeline but i am comfortable to put my profile old way so want to remove time line... If you know how to remove time line? Please help me . ( i could not find the answer in face book "help" )

- CapnMisMis - 02-17-2014 09:56 PM

I've looked in facebook help for the answer, unfortunately.. you cannot go back. the timeline will become a general thing.

- Charlee - 02-17-2014 10:00 PM

i don't think you can change it back ... but i heard somewhere that facebook is going to change everybody's profile to the timeline .... i don't know if that is true or not ... i have the timeline , and i like it . but i don't see it much , because i always use a facebook mobile app . i very rarely use facebook on a computer . sorry i coudn't help ... but i hope you can figure it out !
good luck ! (:

- abraXus - 02-17-2014 10:03 PM

there is no way to remove it - everyone is being converted to the timeline - it's the new look for facebook

this guide will help you learn how to use it