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What should I do my best friend is possibly suicidal? - Printable Version

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What should I do my best friend is possibly suicidal? - maron - 02-17-2014 11:46 PM

Ok so my best friend is possibly suicidal a few days ago I found her yahoo answers account and she is severely depressed and suicidal but she told me that if I ever found her yahoo she would just kill herself at that time I thought she was perfectly fine but I now know she isn't so what do I do I can't get her help or she'll know what I did and she'll hate me. She doesn't need me she has so many friends and I don't know what to do she even knows this one girl on Facebook and they are both mentally unstable but I only know that because she left her Facebook open on my phone and the conversation was right there so what do I do I don't want her to hate me. Please help. Also excuse my horrible grammar and punctuation I'm just really worried about her. We are both 14 by the way. XX maron

- The Psychiatrist - 02-17-2014 11:58 PM

If she is in immediate danger of suicide, then you must have her committed to a hospital so she can be kept safe. If she is just having suicidal ideation, (thoughts of suicide) then you need to have her come to a specialist like a psychiatrist.

- rebekah - 02-18-2014 12:08 AM

Situations like this can be extremely hard as you may not want to get to involved and ruin a friend ship, but you have to do what you think will be the best for your friends safety. You should talk to your parents first and see what they say if all else fails it would be best for you to talk to one of your teachers at school and find out if there is any way for them to give your friend some help and advice.
Just make sure over all else that you are there for her through times like this it can just be as simple as having someone show that the will always be there for you.

Hope this helps you Smile

- D.D. - 02-18-2014 12:21 AM

You have to take this seriously, whether you stay friends or not. One way to report is to tell the police, the school, report it anon ,
these people in the usa might contact the school and her parents (you could send the parents a message anon, in some way),
if you go to, in the usa, and give them her name, the info you have , like her yahoo account where you saw it, and the name of her school, the province and all that, even a contact, her parents number , so that they will contact them and let them know, You can do that without giving your name.
there may be other anon places to report, so search them.
Just report it, better than her ending up dead and her parents freaking out.

- Maggie - 02-18-2014 12:29 AM

I know it may feel like you're betraying a friend, but if you do think she is at risk, I encourage you to let someone know, and I encourage it greatly. That's far from betraying, believe me. By the sounds of it, she's standing on an edge, and what she may do is unpredictable. I think you should definitely report it, ASAP. To her parents, to a teacher, a friend, an adult at school, your parents, someone you trust to help her. She does need you to do this, though she denies it. And so would the other girl who seems to be going through the same thing. It's so much better safe than sorry. Do report what she's said to someone.