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Will there be school if there is a 2 hour delay, but its already a half day? - Printable Version

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Will there be school if there is a 2 hour delay, but its already a half day? - Lily - 02-18-2014 01:48 AM

I live in pennsylvania and on half days we get out at 11:00. There is a half day on this coming friday but its supposed to snow badly, so if there is a 2 hour delay friday, will they make us go to school for an hour?

- Jim - 02-18-2014 01:50 AM


- Y - 02-18-2014 01:51 AM

Nope but, the storm should have moved through in time to have the roads cleaned up by fri commuting time.

- Charlie - 02-18-2014 02:05 AM

I don't know if they even would call a 2-hour delay on a half-day, or just call the whole day off if there is a lot of snow.

- TQ - 02-18-2014 02:10 AM

Short answer: who knows
Best guide as to whether school will be closed is experience.
Has school been closed in the past with similar weather conditions?

Longer answer:
Most school systems these days have a web site or presence on Facebook or Twitter where their operating status is posted.

Asker's time would be better spent checking those sources rather than a lame Internet weather forum where 'best answers' are decided by sock puppets.

Most school systems do not have published guidelines about when to close schools because of inclement weather. The decision is left up to the judgement of school administrators or individual parents.

School closing hinges on a variety of factors such as whether the school's parking lots are clear, the heating systems can keep up with cold temperatures, whether snow is expected during the school day, and road conditions.