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When I type my name into google then go to images, how come my facebook picture comes up. Can I change that? - Printable Version

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When I type my name into google then go to images, how come my facebook picture comes up. Can I change that? - cowslovecows - 02-18-2014 04:11 AM

So like every other teenager i have a facebook, but when I type in my name into google then click images how come my facebook profile picture comes up! I have tried to change all of the privacy settings and I don't know what to do! So is there a way to change my settings so that none of my facebook information comes up onto google?

- kupkake - 02-18-2014 04:27 AM

it comes up because facebook basically owns ur pic. and no you cant change that i dont think soz Sad

- Dancingsheeps - 02-18-2014 04:31 AM

omg i just tried and google mine. my facebook picture wasnt there only my blog tv account, you should toy around the privacy setting facebook's default is always on stalker mode LOL.

- Pat - 02-18-2014 04:42 AM

Change your name. The search engines will pick up your name and that is why your facebook image shows. Good Luck

- Neptune - 02-18-2014 04:44 AM

well you can't change what you already did (i don't think) but you can change it for the future.

when you put new pics in, options come up. One is "only allow friends to view" and one is "only allow friends and friends of friends to view" click one of those.

answer mine?

- Suze - 02-18-2014 04:48 AM

You can only stop this by disallowing search engines from picking up your profile at all. Use this link:

Interestingly, it says under-18s don't have searchable profiles. Are you over 18? If not, it shouldn't be showing on Google!

You can stop Google picking up your profile but still allow people to find it through Facebook search.