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Help ASAP! : I can't get the Facebook Timeline? - Printable Version

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Help ASAP! : I can't get the Facebook Timeline? - Keena Horton - 02-18-2014 05:26 AM

So, when I'm on the official Facebook Timeline page thing, I scroll down to the bottom to see the green button that your supposed to hit which says "Get it Now" or something, but it's not there? Any ways to make it pop up? I've tried refreshing the page, logging out & back in, restarting my computer & going to one of those Facebook Timeline Cover websites & clicking on the link there to get the timeline but the green button still won't appear? Help me please! The timeline looks so cool & I wanna add a cover but I can't without a timeline!!!
Thanks guys Smile
Arianne; okay your right. I'm sorry & I shouldn't have said that. But I do agree w/ you on your question. But I'm so sorry & I know I hurt your feelings Sad I feel so bad Sad

- Tony - 02-18-2014 05:32 AM

The timeline gets really annoying. Your better off without it.

- AKW - 02-18-2014 05:34 AM


Our world today is shit... maybe the Mayans will be right... and I am a computer tech. This shit is sad.

- Alex Vygotsky - 02-18-2014 05:42 AM

DO not get the Timeline, It is terrible. I know many people who use it and hateee the layout. I personally don't like it myself. It can be a bit confusing to use and is just a pain. Please stick with your original old FB. People will love you for it

- Jawnee - 02-18-2014 05:54 AM

go to one of your friends' profile that has a timeline and at the top, it should say get it now

- Arianne - 02-18-2014 06:10 AM

This is actually related to the question of mine that you answered. I am on my Ipod so it wont let me add additional details, so I figured that I'd tell you what I have too say on your question.

If your going to be rude and ignorant while answering a question then don't bother to answer at all! I don't care if you share your opinion but you don't have to be a b*tch about it!

Oh, and to anyone who thinks that I am being rude, I don't care! Keena Horton was rude to me first, Im just returning the favor.

- abraXus - 02-18-2014 06:24 AM