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How to hide wallpost from my Facebook timeline? - Printable Version

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How to hide wallpost from my Facebook timeline? - Fake for Yahoo - 02-18-2014 05:39 AM

I have a few wall posts from friends that I would like to hide from my timeline, but not hide as in no one can see it anywhere on my timeline, but as in hide it so that it appears in box like "10 more friends posted on xxxx's timeline." So the wallpost doesn't appear on my timeline, but you can still see the wall post by opening that box with "10 more friensd posted...."

How can I do that? Or does Facebook itself regulate which wall posts will appear in "10 more friends posted on xxxx's timeline...?"

Thank you in advance to the social gurus out there!

- Mukand - 02-18-2014 05:41 AM

I aint no social guru,

but all you got to do is go to that particular post in your timeline and and the top right corner click edit then click hide from timeline..

And not sure about the '10 more friends thing', I guess its random..