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BELIEVERS IF PAUL instructed that women are not to teach,preach and mind their own affairs.WHY so many women ? - Printable Version

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BELIEVERS IF PAUL instructed that women are not to teach,preach and mind their own affairs.WHY so many women ? - Jordan - 02-18-2014 06:15 AM

BELIEVERS IF PAUL instructed that women are not to teach,preach and mind their own affairs.WHY so many women teach and preach on facebook,youtube,i find it very wrong?

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer [allow] not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." —1st Timothy 2:11-12

it is so clear women shouldn't TEACH COMING FROM APOSTLE PAUL.!
1.NOT to teach
2.Not to have authority.
BY addin NOR it means 2 different separate actions.
1.NOT to teach
2.Not to have authority.
BY addin NOR it means 2 different separate actions.

- Servetus - 02-18-2014 06:28 AM

They say he was referring to those women in those particular congregations because they were disorderly, disruptive etc

- * sparkle * - 02-18-2014 06:35 AM

Because Christians follow only the parts of the Bible that they like. Wasn't this obvious akready.

- wushuboy001 - 02-18-2014 06:40 AM

Paul was also addressing a specific issue in a specific church. Its not a command from God to all people. Its an instruction from Paul to Timothy to solve problems in response to questions from Timothy regarding his ministry in Ephesus.

- Uncle Rupert - 02-18-2014 06:48 AM

Because he probably isn't a true apostle. Think about it. He is the one who declares that Jesus Overcame him after his death and he never sounds the least humble in his preachings. Jesus preached love to women. Paul did not. Think about it

- Susanna LIVES - 02-18-2014 06:58 AM

ya see...ifn we were accustomed to Biblical Times, Paul got Upset cuz the Women were being talkative during Temple so...clearly you'll don't understand what this particular Scripture was about...Paul had quite the temper dear...he blew...who wouldn't regardless of sex...the women were being disorderly/disrespectful..Paul shut it down..snap...

- Yvonne - 02-18-2014 07:03 AM

Clergywomen, particularly of Christendom, assume leadership roles within their congregations, and their main audience is made up of members of the flock. For women ministers of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the main audience of their preaching is outside the congregation, namely the public, whom they meet in their house-to-house ministry and elsewhere.
The Bible describes only men as being charged with oversight of a congregation. Notice the pattern set by the apostle Paul when he wrote to a fellow overseer, Titus: “For this reason I left you in Crete, that you might . . . make appointments of older men in city after city.” Paul added that each man so appointed had to be “free from accusation, a husband of one wife.” (Titus 1:5, 6) Paul gave similar instructions to Timothy in his pastoral letter: “If any man is reaching out for an office of overseer, he is desirous of a fine work. The overseer should therefore be irreprehensible, a husband of one wife, . . . qualified to teach.”—1 Timothy 3:1, 2.
Why are oversight functions in the congregation limited to men? Paul says: “I do not permit a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.” (1 Timothy 2:12, 13) Thus, the order of creation indicates God’s purpose in the delegation of teaching and oversight.

- w.goepfrich - 02-18-2014 07:16 AM

believers in Paul have to be damned.
Women are good.
Often more intelligent, sporty, than men.

- gregory - 02-18-2014 07:29 AM

woman were not allowed to teach men or be spiritual leaders in god's kingdom

they could teach other woman or children

the bible does not say woman can not handle their own affairs

- Christian sinner - 02-18-2014 07:40 AM

I think Timothy was in Corinth, and Paul had some bad experiences with Corinthian women. Apparently the church at Corinth was very impressionable. I don't think Paul mean all women everywhere, especially because he knew the example of Deborah in Judges.

But of course, the typical thing is to diss Paul because they don't think too deeply about things.