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Why Can`t I get Facebook Timeline? - Printable Version

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Why Can`t I get Facebook Timeline? - ClaudiaA - 02-18-2014 08:54 AM

I have been on facebook for about 3 weeks to a month now. I REALLLLYYYY want facebook timeline but i just cant seem to get it. I have gone to the "introduccing' timeline page about 100 times now and it still dosnt have the green button. i have tried using the "developer" app and that also dosnt work. i have tried typing in in the search bar "timeline app" and when i click on it i get a "failed web browser". I have tried going on my dads facebook + labtop and it lets him get it but when i log into my account on his labtop it still dosn`t let me! and i have tried updating all my web browsers i have tried downloading all different webb browsers to see if that works, but i dosnt! HELP i am so fusturateed and have been trying to get this for about a week now. PLEASEEE HELP!!!!!!!!!!1 thankyou~

- Purple - 02-18-2014 09:09 AM

Don't worry Facebook Timeline will become mandatory after March 31st.And it sucks!!!

- Nightfire - 02-18-2014 09:11 AM

Go to your profile and at the end of the url add ?sk=timeline


Then at the top of the page click on 'Publish Now'

- Rom Cartridge - 02-18-2014 09:15 AM

Many users reported that they still don't have the green button to upgrade to Timeline. Some of them tried different browsers and computers but the button still wasn't there. As members from the same family using the same computer had different results, this can only mean that the upgrade is not yet available for some users.

A good way to go about it is to try once a day until the button appears.