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Currently, what gender would you say you are, out of these FIFTY? - Printable Version

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Currently, what gender would you say you are, out of these FIFTY? - corny - 02-18-2014 08:55 AM

I understand Male Female, Transgender and someone who is not wishing to be identified by gender stereotypes, but seriously, do we need FIFTY different genders to choose from on our Facebook pages. I don't even know what most of them mean, and I always considered myself to be pretty PC and clued up on these things!

- 758 - 02-18-2014 09:04 AM

I fit one of the traditional do most people.

Can you imagine if this foolishness is adopted by all firm makers?

Fifty variations....the world has gone mad or the PC loons have been on the silly pills.

- ♥ - 02-18-2014 09:06 AM

This one: someone who is not wishing to be identified by gender stereotypes.

- KIRKUK - 02-18-2014 09:17 AM

straighter than the Pope's todger....

- Puppy - 02-18-2014 09:22 AM

Apart from the odd farm animal, I'm as straight as the next guy

- Nutsters-Vex - 02-18-2014 09:33 AM

Fifty forms of gender diversity?
Get the feeling Face Book needs to name all fifty to keep people engaged in using their site.
Take ten minutes to read the list, 10 minutes to decide & that's 20 minutes of your life you will never get back!
Does it make me want to visit Face book?

- doughnut - 02-18-2014 09:44 AM

I am totally confused now

- Watchamacallit - 02-18-2014 10:00 AM

Zuckerberg is another phony P.C. idiot.

- Jan - 02-18-2014 10:08 AM

Hmm. None of the above.

What a load of piffle.

- 346 - 02-18-2014 10:10 AM

Oh ffs straight female!

Your gender or sexuality is nobody else's business but your own, somebody on facebook needs to get a life or a new job if they have to do this to justify their existence.

The more they stick labels on people the more they create discrimination!

As another poster has they have as many as fifty users one wonders?