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Facebook privacy setting? - Printable Version

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Facebook privacy setting? - AuntieZoey - 02-18-2014 11:57 AM

All posts, pictures, videos, and so on of my Facebook page can be seen only by MY FRIENDS.
(Well, except a profile picture on a top page)

But someone said that;

if my friend (Mary) comments on my wall, Mary's friend (John), who is NOT my friend, can see MARY's comment along with MY post.

I thought if I set my privacy setting "Friends" (not "Friends' friends")", my friends' friends, such as John, can never read my posts.

So which is true??

- chicago wind - 02-18-2014 12:00 PM

your freind was lying.

- Jiquan - 02-18-2014 12:09 PM

They might've misunderstood you. If you have ALL your settings set to Friends Only, then only your friends can see it, regardless of wether Mary commented or not. If someone who's not your friend has viewed your post, you might want to check that all your privacy settings are set as you think they are.