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How specific can you be with facebook privacy and what can you make private? - Printable Version

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How specific can you be with facebook privacy and what can you make private? - GTheQuestionPoser - 02-18-2014 01:47 PM

I'll sum my question up briefly, if you want to answer that then please do. I will also expand it, hopefully this will help to explain what I mean. If you could take the time to read it in full and answer I will be even more grateful.


Can you make posts that other people have left on your wall visible only to certain people.

Expanded details:

For example if Person A and Person B both posted something on my wall, could I make it so that another person, Person C, could see what only one of them had posted, i.e. Person C could see Person B's posts but not Person A's posts.

I'm pretty sure you can set the privacy so that Person C can see all posts by everyone or none at all but was wondering if you could be more specific.

Also, can you hide a select number of friends that are visible in the friends tab. By this I mean, say you had 300 friends but wanted to hide 10 of them so it looked like you only had 290 friends is this also possible? Also, if you can do this, can you select who can see all your 300 friends and who can see only 290 friends.

From what I can see, with the privacy settings under the Account tab, you can set privacy to Everyone; Friends and Network; Friends of Friends; Only Friends; or Customize.

It seems the customize setting is the closest to what I've described but from what I can see you can if you customize it, it enables the person you restrict/allow to either see all posts or none at all. I want it so you can customize it further and select not just whether or not someone can see any but instead which ones they can see.

Hope this makes sense. Thanks for your help.

- tmasterslayer - 02-18-2014 02:03 PM

By using the different groups on Facebook you can easily change who has access to your profile. My roommate has that set up with his family.

Also when you post a status you can click the little lock icon before you post and edit the privacy settings so that only certain people can see it.

Experiment with groups and their privacy settings and I think you'll find what you're looking for.