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What are three reasons for not believing in God? - Printable Version

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What are three reasons for not believing in God? - Marie Letizia - 02-18-2014 04:59 PM

- I Robot - 02-18-2014 05:06 PM

10 Reasons I adopted Atheism and abandoned religion;

1) Atheism falsely segregates nobody – All religions create false bias and differences
2) Religion says that an essential part of my self-identity is an abomination – But religion teaches that a god created everything? How could I not too be his creation? His intention? Do gods purposefully create people that are abominations for good people to hate and persecute? Is this for sport?
3) Religious people point fingers at other when they themselves are guilty of greater sins even according to their own religious dogma – Too often religious people only live by a few of their religious doctrine while choosing which is best to enforce for their own personal chosen lifestyle.
4) Religion attempts to involve itself in our government – Changing the laws that all Americans have to live by, or the definitions of terms that are governed by that law, in order to infiltrate our government with their own narrow religious morals. This is espionage and treason. Separation of church and state has always been one of the important founding principals of our country.
5) Religions attack each other every day – Religions do not attempt to spread peace and tranquility as they claim. Every religion is guilty of physical attacks and making war on others in the name of supposed peaceful and loving gods. There is not one religion that has never promoted war at one time or another. “My god is more real than your god and mine is the only true god.”
6) Babies are never born with hate in their hearts for anyone. They learn the hate of other groups of humans through their parents and through their religion. Religion teaches prejudice and self-righteousness.
7) Religion is quick to justify violence. Every religion is guilty of producing radical wings and terrorists. The history of religion is a history of war, torture, persecution, the stifling of scientific discovery and technology and corruption on a scale outweighing that of all histories madmen and warmongers put together.
8) Religion concentrates on ways to prepare for a better death. Religion promises the things after death that science provides us in life. Science heals us when we are sick, science feeds us and lights our homes. Science provides us with government and economy and ways to explore the universe with concrete answers instead of old books. Science continues to extend the life of our species and only science searches for the truthful origin of our species and our place in the universe. Science enables this conversation and the recording of history.
9) Religious people accept their faith without evidence, only old manmade books. Since religious people claim their religion is of a supernatural and superstitious nature, the burden of proof lies with them and their wild claims to have the answers. They can offer no proof but the books of men. They do not stand up to scientific scrutiny and therefore their claims are illogical and must be rejected without evidence rather than accepted.
10) Bad things happen to highly religious people every day. They claim that the magic of their gods protects them and yet they are every bit as vulnerable as we are. Religious people are not honest with themselves or with others. Truth is truth. There is no fine line between truth and honesty, it is a stone wall. Something is either true or not. Enlightenment is about the truth. Since there can be no truth without evidence, religion is a lie. The circular logic of religion does not stand up to scientific peer review. It is a flawed logical system that is closed, allowing no room for growth or innovation. People evolve and so do their principles, morals, and laws. Religion fails to evolve.

- GodlessGazoo - 02-18-2014 05:19 PM

You need more than there being no supporting evidence? Don't get it.

- mani - 02-18-2014 05:23 PM

1. Illogical
2. Illogical
3. Illogical

- Nicole - 02-18-2014 05:38 PM

1) There is not a shred of evidence
2 ) Everything that happens around the world appears to be contradict what his believers say about him.

I don't need a third reason

- Joshua - 02-18-2014 05:52 PM

First and foremost there's not really any evidence a god or gods exist, and I think that is paramount. I come from a Catholic background and the entire concept is full of holes and contradictions. Additionally religion divides people when there doesn't need to be a division.

- ` - 02-18-2014 06:08 PM

judgment after death

- ⱺ😻ⱺ🐶ⱺ - 02-18-2014 06:20 PM

There is only one reason; the total lack of any kind of proof that God exists.

- Brad - 02-18-2014 06:29 PM

Which of the thousands of gods do you want reasons for?
If you want three reasons for every god that would take weeks but put simply they can't all be real but they can all be invented by humans for various self serving reasons.

- Simon T - 02-18-2014 06:40 PM

1. There is no God.

2. There is no God.

3. There is no God.