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Is It Immature To Delete An Ex Off Facebook? - Printable Version

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Is It Immature To Delete An Ex Off Facebook? - Paris - 02-18-2014 05:36 PM

I had a very painful breakup recently..he broke up with me over a text, giving no reason just the " It's not you, It's me and i think it's for best" ....I don;t know what happened and what made him to act like this..I am devestated, tried to reach him and talk to him but he ignored me and my messages/calls comepeletly..... Im still hurting.. he is still on my FB.. acting like nothing has happened between us.. posting inks and sharing stuff ...should i just unfriend him? idk wut to do.. we have a lot of mutual friends too..what should i do? need your help

- Gabe - 02-18-2014 05:47 PM

No maybe he breaks back bad memories

- Keith - 02-18-2014 05:51 PM

Get off FB

- Rebecca - 02-18-2014 05:54 PM

He gave you the cliché line hun. Delete and block him.

- me - 02-18-2014 05:55 PM

No, he was a cold douche to you. Blocking both his facebook and phone number would be appropriate

- Steve-O in AZ - 02-18-2014 06:07 PM

Yeah, unfriend him. My recent ex actually lived with me. She couldn't get her anxiety disorder under control, and was abusive. Also, convinced that I was cheating, when I have never cheated in my life. After she moved, we talked about the future, and how we were going to try to work things out. Then, the thoughts got back into her head. She even sent me a pic of her and another dude in the action. I just deleted the b*tch...

- Emilia - 02-18-2014 06:09 PM

Delete him from your plain of existence, for the forgotten gods of Levitita and Stormgeddon, Dark Lord of All have given me a vision of him burning into the ashes of a incestuous goat breeder

- nezzy_013 - 02-18-2014 06:13 PM

No. delete him and block him. it' ll make things easier for you. Blocking him will either of u from cyber stalking eachother.

- greenfrogs - 02-18-2014 06:19 PM

Okay same thing happened to my son just last week, break off by text- COLD! I can't believe how generous and kind he is being to her. He knows they won't get back together but doesn't want things to turn ugly. I asked my daughter if I (not him) should unfriend his ex-girl friend and the advice she gave me was to not act in haste as they might get back together. (despite what he said) Don't know if this applies to you.

- marianlaughs - 02-18-2014 06:29 PM

Just unfriend him, what is the sense?