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Facebook LIKES --- Please help!! I don't get it! Real Estate? - Printable Version

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Facebook LIKES --- Please help!! I don't get it! Real Estate? - JAMIE j. - 02-18-2014 08:21 PM

I am just starting out in real estate. I never use a facebook personal page, but I did create a business page. My question is...
I have a website for real estate and the facebook business page...

If I were to create a "LIKE" button on my website, what are they supposed to be liking, the page itself (website) or the facebook business page? A bit confused about that.

Should I just use a regular "Facebook" logo on my website instead that links to my facebook page?

- Amzy - 02-18-2014 08:33 PM

'liking' is a common facebook term that refers to people clicking a 'like' button which signifies that they like whatever page they are on, or what that page represents such as your business.

The advantage of having people 'like' your page is that it pops up on their profile, an individual page that all their facebook friends (can be hundreds if not thousands of people) see. If the page appeals to someone else, they too click on that link and like it. This like then appears on THEIR individual page, visible to all their friends and so on.

It would be advisable to have the like button instead of facebook logo on your website as it is quicker for the customer to click like and go on with their business instead of clicking into facebook so that a whole new page has to load up. Basically a 'like' button is far more convenient and appealing to most people than a facebook logo.

Hope this helps Smile

- Mark - 02-18-2014 08:36 PM

Dear Jamie, everything is related with internet marketing and in the end tend to do the same: generating traffic to your website. So, you have to have a website and a fan page on facebook to increase the visits on your website. Then, in your website you need to add a "like" button or a facebook symbol which acts as an hyperlink who leads people to your fan page on Facebook. For more reference look to this property management website and pay special attention to the bottom of the page where the social media icons are, when you click the facebook logo it immediately takes you to their fan page on facebook.