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Questions of the market environment of a business e.g. APPLE? - Printable Version

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Questions of the market environment of a business e.g. APPLE? - Mon - 02-18-2014 10:34 PM

The market environment (what is the economy like, are there political or social influences etc

- 097 - 02-18-2014 10:39 PM

I don't really understand what the question is but if you are looking at the market environment of a business, I suggest a PEST analysis (which is what you seem to be getting at).

Political - This is always the awkward section of a PEST. You have to look up Apple policies and see how they would be affected by the environment. A quick search got me to this: It's a start.

Economical - Recession across the world will influence spending and with Apple being at the high end of the price scale, they could be hit by this at the products are seen as a luxury item rather than a necessity.

Social - Apple products have a very positive image amongst consumers in that they are great looking but are also good quality products. You could also mention here about people wanting these products as a status item because they are expensive so having an Apple product would suggest you are well off.

Technological - Apple are known for being innovative. Every product they release has something new and cool that consumers are dying to get their hands on. Technology is forever changing and developing and because of this, Apple constantly need to research and design new products, in order to be ahead of the competition. This is why they release new models in quick succession.