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What is the importance of Content on Social Media Marketing? - Printable Version

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What is the importance of Content on Social Media Marketing? - Prakash Bhosale - 02-18-2014 10:59 PM

I am working on research project on " A study on importance of Content on Social Media Marketing " I am collecting information from 1000+ active social media users and asking them questions like do they visit brand pages, how much time they spent, what type of content they like, do they anticipate in contest & why etc etc . I appreciate if you also share your views or imputes or suggestions which will help me to do my project better . I will send my copy of research report to all respondents . Regards . Mr. Prakash Bhosale ..MUMBAI .INDIA.

- PRACHI - 02-18-2014 11:08 PM

We all now that content is the king. So i would say writing can change the game and if you post a good and innovative article or blog, people will read it. Generally people loo for new information and your article could get you huge traffic for your brand.

- Frank - 02-18-2014 11:22 PM

Content is soul of any marketing effort. Be it online or offline!
You get narrow window to get attraction of your target audience in ever changing Facebook walls, Pinterest boards or never ending tweets.

Your content should have following qualities:
-Eye catchy title
-Compelling and informative body
-And last but not least, Call to Action.

Call to action is always required as it drives reader to desired purpose of the content

- DT - 02-18-2014 11:33 PM

Content is everything on online marketing or offline marketing. More details

- Murad - 02-18-2014 11:49 PM

Content can describe any thing very easily. It has power to garb visitor and user of Social Media. Many people thought that content is only the written text, no it not correct content can be a image or text matter. So, without content how you be active on your social media. Now come to the main point that is importance of quality content. Quality content is regarded as king of all. To promote anything you have to follow some tricks.

**Choose time befitting content
* *Use a Short and eye catching Title
** Make it mind blowing

- simon - 02-19-2014 12:02 AM

I actually just wrote a blog on this. Pretty much answers your question...