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Should I let this go or talk to my boyfriend about it before he leaves? - Printable Version

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Should I let this go or talk to my boyfriend about it before he leaves? - M - 02-18-2014 11:06 PM

I've been dating my boyfriend for 7 months, and we're both 23 years old. I trust him, and we're very open about our feelings in our relationship. That said, I've had some concerns. I know he hangs out with one of his ex-gfs, but he agreed to let me know whenever he hangs out with her. Likewise, he also makes the effort to tell me where here is and who he's with. He's also given me the privilege to go through his phone IF I ever feel I need to. When we hung out, I noticed he would flip his phone over and talked to him about this to which he said that when he's with me he doesn't want to acknowledge anything on his phone (unless totally necessary) and that's why he does that.

He's leaving for a one month trip tomorrow, and so he came to hang out with me for about 4 hours despite his busy schedule. During this time, we ended up using my laptop as he had to print something. To print that thing he needed to go on facebook and into his messages, at first he quickly went to his inbox and I wasn't really looking - as I understand the need for privacy. He then hand to go into his inbox again, but this time I WAS looking, and he made sure he retrieved what he needed to in a way that all his messages in his inbox weren't visible to me this time. I know this might be a minor issue, and I might be totally overthinking it, but it's bugging me. He's also leaving for his trip tomorrow so I don't think it's the right time to discuss all this - but it will ANNOY me for an entire month while he's gone. Should I let it go?

- Mr. Miyagi - 02-18-2014 11:07 PM

My mom and dad have been happily married for 40 something years and they had been using the same email address for the longest time. It finally got confusing enough with the bank that they decided to get separate email addresses.
THAT is trust.
What you have is not trust.

- uknowitstrue - 02-18-2014 11:12 PM

Just mention it. It will bug you and cause you to be stressed and suspicious of him. If you bring it out in the open at least you can just deal with it and whatever happens happens

- Luna Winter - 02-18-2014 11:19 PM

It's alright to feel a little uneasy about the ex girlfriend, but looking at his things is going too far.

I do that when I open my email, I don't like it when people hover and see what I'm doing. Whether it's on the computer writing in my online diary, going through my email, talking to my boyfriend over skype message, etc. I just like my privacy, he might too.

If you truly feel that he may cheating on you, which clearly you're thinking, then you have to have a talk with him.

Why is is hanging with his ex? Usually that means there's lingering feelings, but on ocassion it could just be that it doesn't work out with them relationship wise but friendship wise there's too much history and they'd like to stay friends. You have to figure out which is the case for him.

With my boyfriend, he stopped talking to his ex because of her and I not getting along. He cared for me more than her and she was quite cruel to him when they were dating, so for him it was a lot easier to get rid of her, most likely because he wanted her out of his life.

You have to figure out what's going on or you're going to drive yourself insane, push him away and then he might cheat because you expected him to.