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Teen Pregnancy Controversy? English Project Help!? - Printable Version

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Teen Pregnancy Controversy? English Project Help!? - Samantha - 02-18-2014 11:12 PM

so for my English class we had to pick a topic and I got stuck with teen pregnancy. we have to present it in front of the class.
there also has to be a controversy. but I don't get what to put as the controversy because teen pregnancy just shouldn't happen. and the only possible controversy I can think of is abortion because some people are for and against it but we are not aloud to talk about abortion at all please help me? thanks

- DavidBCarey - 02-18-2014 11:18 PM

As you say, 'teen pregnancy just shouldn't happen' but we all know that it does, so perhaps you can talk about the reasons why it does. I don't mean that you should talk about the method the baby is conceived but about social pressure, media pressure etc etc.

After that you could talk about the services that are available to help teens with kids. Some think we are spending far too much and others think we are not being supportive enough.

Finally you might mention the problems being a teen and having to look after a baby at the same time. There is responsibility for both the mom and the dad of course.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more assistance. I'm on Messenger or by email.

Best of luck with your speech in front of the class. Hope it goes well, and I am sure it will as you seem to be working hard to get it prepared.