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why does my crush act like this ? - Printable Version

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why does my crush act like this ? - Pal - 02-18-2014 11:14 PM

so last semester I met a guy in my science class . I started crushing on him and I still do have a crush on him .. a really big crush. Before Christmas I told him I like him but I don't want stuff to be awkward so I'd rather be friends and he agreed to that. He treated me like a friend this whole time. Second semester started and my schedule switched, resulting in my having two classes with him. Now he doesn't talk to me much. It's sorta rude or very straight forward . Today is my birthday. I have him as a friend on facebook. He posted on my wall saying "hbd" . When it was his birthday I actually took the time to write up a nice happy birthday message. Also, today in one of the classes we have together, someone sitting right in front of me and beside him said happy birthday to him and he didn't say anything even though he heard . Sad why is he acting so cold now . We were like having these really great convos and now he's just all cold Sad. I have Geo with him and during geo we were out in the hallway.. I was talking to my friend about how much I hate this school because of how mean all the kids are ( this is honestly the worst school ever .. the one I go to. Everyone hates it ) and I turn around to see him looking right at me with this " you know I'm one of those mean people " look :/ . Yeahh why is he acting so cold now ?

- Harley - 02-18-2014 11:30 PM

Um ignore the other one like seriously that's gross don't do that just talk to his friends