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How can I reactivate my old Facebook account without an e-mail? - Printable Version

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How can I reactivate my old Facebook account without an e-mail? - Teresier - 02-19-2014 12:26 AM

I deactivated my old Facebook account three years ago and made a new one. The reason why I only deactivated it was because there was still videos that I couldn't download and transfer to my new account, so I kept it deactivated until I could find a way to download them. Anyways, I can't remember what e-mail I used for that account and I tried every possible name I could think of, but it says that there are no accounts registered with those e-mails. I'm friends with my old Facebook account on my new one, but when I click on the name, it only says that it's deactivated and that I can only unfriend it. I tried searching with my name, but my new account always pops up. Is there a way I can still recover that account or am I just wasting my breath without my e-mail address?

- trooper6387 - 02-19-2014 12:41 AM

throwing in a few extras

Create Account

Contact Facebook
Help link
Password reset
This link answers questions reference face book passwords

Permanently deleting your account///deactivating your account
Facebook offers an option for those who want their account deleted with no chance of recovery or deactivating it. These options are only accessible in this link, which is provided in the Facebook Help Center when you type “delete my account” or "deactivate my account" in its search box.
Once you have opened the page of that link, you must click on the Submit button and then, on a pop up box, you must enter your account password and a captcha text. Once you are done with that, click Okay. Facebook will ask you to confirm the action, so you will have to click on an Okay button again.

When you delete your account your things will disappear from Facebook once you have done that, to finish the deletion process you will have to avoid logging in to your account during the next 14 days. After that period of time your information will be no longer available, never again.
Steps for the deactivation of your account is also explained in this area.