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Can't access my Gmail account because it has been hacked? - Printable Version

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Can't access my Gmail account because it has been hacked? - Ancon - 02-19-2014 01:22 AM

My sister had a bf and he opened hers Facebook account with a gmail account with we all personal informations.But now they brokeup and he starting to abuse her with her facbook account and all the login informations has been changed so we cannnot access the facebook and gmail account.
P.s. i have done every possible recovery options of both facebook and gmail.
plz help

- Ann - 02-19-2014 01:32 AM
Google gives a recovery option for those who have forgotten their passwords, or have been hacked.

Sounds like this is your sister's account problem though, not your own account. Don't hack hers.

She can block him on FaceBook, Gmail, and other mail and social networks.