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Why are most consitutionalists/libertarians social conservatives? - Printable Version

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Why are most consitutionalists/libertarians social conservatives? - Call of the Wilde - 10-14-2012 09:00 AM

I always hear these guys shouting, "Give us more rights!"..."We want the Constitution back!"

Of course, these rights they speak of pertain almost exclusively to the economy and right-wing social beliefs.

Now I understand the economy...libertarians believe in the free market. But on social issues, why are these people espousing conservative dogma? They're supposed to be libertarians, right? I thought they believed in freedom.

Should they're beliefs pertain to both the economy AND social issues.

- colossalpet932 - 10-14-2012 09:08 AM

Social issues such as????

- Dr HObama Is In - 10-14-2012 09:08 AM

Because a nation's prosperity and success is dependent upon morality.

Libs think that morality is subjective, so they can exonerate murder at times, theft at times, slander at times, etc.. Liberalism has no goodness within it.

- Steve G - 10-14-2012 09:08 AM

I have known several libertarians, they were not social conservatives.

- Charli - 10-14-2012 09:08 AM

it all comes down to personal liberty. the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. as long as you are not hurting anybody else, and your not infringing on anybody elses rights, then why should it bother me?

- iris054 - 10-14-2012 09:08 AM

Libertarians aren't social conservatives -- they are social libertarians. Now of course, within that Party you are going to have some more left-leaning and some more right-leaning, but any Libertarian who is not a huge believer of social liberty really doesn't belong in that Party.

Have you checked out the Political Compass site? You'll see that conservatives are social authoritarians, and fiscal righties. Liberals are social libertarians, and fiscal lefties. Liberals are supposed to be fiscal righties like conservatives, and social libertarians, like liberals. The Constitution Party are fiscal righties and social authoritarians.

- FriendlyDesperado383 - 10-14-2012 09:08 AM

libertarian, to each his own.

- rich k - 10-14-2012 09:08 AM

All the Libertarians I've known were pro-choice, opposed school prayer, opposed Bush's suspension of Constitutional liberties, supported same-sex marriage, and opposed U.S. involvement in foreign wars, the only view they shared with the so called "social conservatives" was their opposition to gun control. Where are you finding the Libertarians you describe?

- Poohcat1 - 10-14-2012 09:08 AM

If you read the Libertarian principles (which can be found on, you will see that the thing that Libertarians are for is the freedom to choose. You can choose to succeed, or you can choose to fail. You can choose to do the right thing or you can choose to do something that isn't so right as long as you are willing to accept the penalty. For example, under Libertarian rules per se, recreational drug use would probably be legalized. However, IF you do something that harms another while under the influence of that recreational drug (including alcohol), you are basically screwed.

They believe in people being responsible for themselves and the government restricting its duties to those things that the people or local organizations etc. can not handle. Roads and bridges for example. Simply to complicated if everyone did their own. The military would be used exclusively for defense of our homeland, nothing more.

Personally, although it would be a different country, I see this as being a positive change that will force all citizens to be responsible for their actions. No more free passes to anyone.

- miniaturebeggar755 - 10-14-2012 09:08 AM

Libertarians are not all constitutionalists.
I'm a libertarian and I think 'social conservatism' is a joke, along with the constitution.