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How do I adjust privacy settings of facebook wall for friends of friends and strangers? - Printable Version

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How do I adjust privacy settings of facebook wall for friends of friends and strangers? - ThangQanime - 02-19-2014 03:28 AM

I recently changed my facebook to the new timeline thing and noticed that the privacy settings for the new facebook are absolute garbage. I noticed now that friends of friends (people I HAVE NOT added) can see everything on my timeline/wall just by searching my name in fb search. I only want them to be able to see my profile picture and THAT'S IT!

Also when I copy my profile link, sign out, and paste it into the url it comes up as "content is unavailable". So for strangers my settings are too secure, I want to at least come up when they search me. How do I fix that?

Here's how I want my fb to be.

Friends can see everything on my wall
Friends of friends can see nothing on my wall and only my profile picture when they search me
Strangers (people I have no mutual friends with)= same as above ^

Facebook is so damn stupid and nonuser friendly now...

- Silver - 02-19-2014 03:36 AM

go to setting-privacy and set settings what you want.

- abraXus - 02-19-2014 03:48 AM

explained here

(so arent going to like the answer)

- djw008 - 02-19-2014 04:04 AM

There's a really good guide I made to Facebook's privacy settings and making a secure profile with the new Timeline feature at: 8