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Facebook group bad mouthing me? - Printable Version

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Facebook group bad mouthing me? - Not that interesting - 02-19-2014 04:59 AM

A group has been set up on facebook in which they have named me personally and are saying things that are simply not true. Surely this is not allowed. I have reported them and want to know is this all i can do and how seriously will my report be taken.
I'm not letting them bully me out of my facebook account. No chance.

- Jess R - 02-19-2014 05:08 AM

It depends how badly they are speaking. If it is mere gossip, as upsetting as it is, all you can really do it report it. If it makes you feel any better, I had the same thing happen and I got the administrator of the group's facebook account suspended.

However if they are discrediting your work/company/etc. or saying anything which would lead a 'reasonable person' to believe that you are a bad person, you can take them to court and sue them for defermation of character. If you wish to take this path, contact the law society of your state, and enquire about legal or paralegal assistance.

Hope that helps Smile

- evchrysler300 - 02-19-2014 05:25 AM

Basically, I would consider that "cyber-bullying". If they won't do anything about it, get rid of your account. I recently deleted my facebook account, not for that reason, but it is very easy to delete.

Join another group, where people are friendlier to you.

Don't give out too much of your personal information on any groups, bullys tend to use that.