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Am I right to find this one of the more disturbing things about social media? - Printable Version

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Am I right to find this one of the more disturbing things about social media? - Jeff - 10-14-2012 09:10 AM

Sites you are logged into like Yahoo, Facebook, or Google reporting to all your contacts without you knowing (because it's suddenly become a new feature) that you just visited a certain site or asked a certain question. Yahoo Pulse for example... why would I ever want people I really know to read my weird or personal questions or answers?

- Dean - 10-14-2012 09:18 AM

Yes, I do find it disturbing. Facebook specifically has gotten a lot of flack for that type of stuff.

What I find even more disturbing are sites like spokeo... all your information from public records AND social networking sites combined for a premium price of unlimited searches for like 5$ a month.

- timelord1962 - 10-14-2012 09:18 AM

I totally agree with you.

All of the updates being shared between different social networking sites and all of my contacts on each,is rather invasive,
I don't want to share every single thing that I say and do with everyone.

The thing that ticks me off,especially about facebook,is these things are defaulted as Enabled.That's not right.They should be defaulted as Disabled.
That way they won't be on without you knowing.You would have to deliberately go into your settings and enable it.

And Dean is right.Spokeo makes me very nervous about invasion of privacy,identity theft,cyber-stalking and other things.