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Do you think that social media has given youth more of a voice? - Printable Version

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Do you think that social media has given youth more of a voice? - justanotherfishinthesea - 10-14-2012 09:11 AM

Im writing an essay, almost done but feel like Im not covering everything I can.
DO you think that social media such as FB / Twitter etc given youth more of a voice or political impact than ever before? If so why? If not why?

In what ways do you feel it has given youth more of a voice?

Thanks for ANY ideas Smile

- Chirag - 10-14-2012 09:19 AM


- Jacob - 10-14-2012 09:19 AM

I believe that FB allows not only children, but adults as well to make fools of themselves in front of their friends.

By doing so, FB makes quite a shiny penny from the ads that appear on the pages and games.

- iBuild Social - 10-14-2012 09:19 AM

I think you have hit the nail on the head! The short answer to your question is yes!

Social Media is an extremely versatile tool in the hands of today's youth! It allows anyone to have their voice, views & opinions heard. There are few other environments where a minor could go and speak about their stance on politicians and policies and have hundreds, if not thousands of individuals read their opinions! For more information on how Social Media is impacting today's society, you can visit