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How do you feel about social media in the workplace? - Printable Version

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How do you feel about social media in the workplace? - Trillzilla - 10-14-2012 09:24 AM

Does it help or hurt the productivity of a company?

- Ralph - 10-14-2012 09:32 AM

I think it depends. Some people can be on social networks all day and never have to worry about it effecting their productivity. It also depends on the type of company. I am currently working at an advertising agency and we are heavily involved with social media. So in our case it helps because we are getting company exposure and we are familiar with social media in the workplace. During lunch it should be fine, but during an intense work hour it is probably not the best idea to update statuses and surf the web.

- Social Media PRO - 10-14-2012 09:32 AM

It will not affect until and unless the staff don't over indulge in their work place.

- CanadianGirl - 10-14-2012 09:32 AM

As long as the employees can handle it, there shouldn't be a problem.

If you don't let them use social media at all on the company computers they will update their facebook through their iPhone. The distraction will still be there for most.

Distractions will always be around, but mature professionals will still be able to focus on their jobs and get the work done. My policy is: everything in moderation!

- Jody - 10-14-2012 09:32 AM

I do not think it helps. Am I missing something? It seems like a no-brainer. If I were the employer, social media would be taboo.