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Does Scorpio mean what he says or trying to spare my feelings? - Printable Version

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Does Scorpio mean what he says or trying to spare my feelings? - Laura - 02-19-2014 12:02 PM

Hi, b/f is sun scorpio, moon in scorpio, merc & venus in libra, & Mars in Scorpio. (don't know his rising or house placements as never got birth time). He has no fire in chart. I am a female Leo sun (in 8th house conjunct Mars in 8th)--, libra moon conjunct uranus on the dot (0 degrees) have venus conjunct pluto virgo. i have only 1 water planet Neptune Scorpio. He and I were friends for a year thru mutual group of friends & then he told me how he had liked me for a long time and was waiting for the right time to pursue me. We only dated for a couple of months but was very intense and passionate!

Recently I had mentioned to a girlfriend who lives 2 states away (for real) something I ought to have spoken with him about or trusted him enough to speak up about. I copied and pasted email meant for g/f and sent to him--mentioning I had felt ignored and cuz of that out of sorts when I last saw him. Then how I felt much better after we had gotten together (copied and pasted part of his email to him instead of g/f). Sad
I said sorry didn't mean to do that & he's like I can handle the truth but I can't control what you share w/ your friend. I got so busy and sorry for ignoring you. He said I get it, girl talk but I'm not a kiss and tell type. (I didn't tell anybody else squat & especially not in our mutual circle)! I kinda don't get why it's seems like such a big deal to him---although I get why not sharing w/ him was wrong & immature especially. I sincerely apologized for embarrassing him or disrespecting--he's like you didn't. He then "You have said you wanted to quit couple times now---so let's not get together for awhile." I said you mean "taking a break and NOT quitting? That's what I meant originally. I still really like you! He says Yeah, you're right---a break---and how he still likes me too. That was 9 days ago. Kinda seems like that is it although I do believe if it's meant to be it'll happen I guess.
I feel we both needed a break---it's scary though & not sure if he's trying to let me down "nicely" or really means what he said---you're right---a break---it's less permanent." I'm so confused! We're on same social media site & friends but not communicating @ all. We only emailed a couple times a week before or more if getting together--(both of us work a lot) I 100% keep personal feelings off there! Do you have an idea what he meant by I still like you too? I then had said I hope you hold a torch/flame in heart like I do for you? I think he thinks I am/was so wrapped around his finger, so I have been following the "break." though not sure how long it'll last. I was supposed to get some stuff done before we get on again----but nothing was clarified. It's hard to trust my HP and let go!)
It was then out of fear mostly that I sent email about how I felt we needed ground rules for this break--(2 hrs before asking if have spot in heart for me like he does mes)-(like how long is it? I stated what I felt those were for me, not he & also how I wouldn't wait around forever cuz that's not fair) & then i realized after the fact that was not necessary (email about ground rules) but was already done--is there hope of him wanting me back in time? I had asked about that & he let it be---so I think that means he's not sure either. Sad We are both really loyal--& we were both in it for a lot more than a one night stand. If you don't believe in astrology, please keep your comments to yourself. Smile Thank you to everybody!

- Hot cocoa - 02-19-2014 12:12 PM

I'm a scorpio female and if I found out someone-especially a significant other-was talking about me behind my back and copying and pasting my emails, I'd never think of them in the same way. Once you betray a scorpio's trust, you've lost them forever. No matter how hard you two want to continue the relationship, it will never be quite the same. It's just the way scorpios are. He probably really likes you and wants to stay together, but you betrayed his trust so even if you get back together he will never forgive this incident

- Been There - 02-19-2014 12:24 PM

Astrology is only marginally-helpful here, but I will comment as it comes up. In order of what you have mentioned:

1) "Intense and passionate" is not a good sign. These qualities belong to infatuation, which is based on fantasy and never lasts longer than 2 years at the longest. The more intense and passionate the relationship is, the more likely it will be either burn itself up, or will bring a LOT of problems once the honeymoon phase has died out.

2) You talked to someone else about him. This is not what loyalty is about. And Scorpio is BIG on wanting loyalty.
In fact, psychology says that trust is 65% of what makes a relationship work.
And when you talk to someone else about your partner, you are damaging the trust between the two of you.

3) You don't have to "get why" it's IS (not "seems") like such a big deal to him. You just have to know what his values are and respect them. That is how we make any relationship last. There's no arguing with what another person needs .. they need what they need, and if they don't get their needs met, the relationship loses its appeal.
You only have 1 Water sign in your chart, so empathy and putting yourself in another persons' place is not a strong skill. But you will have to make it a strong skill if you want a lasting relationship with him or with anyone else.

I have no idea what he means by "taking a break". But I do know this:

- Couples who are suited for each other do NOT need to take a break. All relationships end up having problems -- although not usually until they have been living together for a couple of years -- and what makes them work is that they work together and do NOT take breaks.
So him taking a break is a strong indication that the two or you are not going to last, even if you do get back together.

- And, if he really means "just a break", then HE doesn't have adequate relationship skills or understanding on how to make it work. Which is just as dismal a prospect.

- If you are supposed to "get some stuff done" .. does he mean you are supposed to change? If he has not told you WHAT he SPECIFICALLY needs to see change, this is an impossible request. Unfair, and NOT how relationships work out.

- It is also not fair to not let you know how long this break is supposed to be. More than just "ground rules", you need to know how long it will be. If he won't tell you how long, then perhaps you need to set how long it will be .. that if he's not ready to get back with you by XYZ, then it's a final break. That does have the risk of pushing him, but it's not fair that you stay on hold indefinitely.

- Understand that love/like is NOT what makes a relationship be able to last. It is only 11% of what makes it work.

- Understand that by previously saying you wanted to quit, that you opened the door for that as an option. You cannot build a strong relationship if you talk about quitting. Love starts to grow only when both are sure of each other, because to open our hearts makes us very vulnerable.

As for the astrology, compatibility and incompatibility (and there is always some of both) is shown by the "astrological aspects" between any/all of your 10 planets and any/all of his 10 planets.
This technique is called "synastry".
The signs do NOT tell you how you two get along.
And all you have given us is the signs.

- BK - 02-19-2014 12:25 PM

Double Scorpio, Mars in Scorpio, Venus in Libra, this guy is a player and loves sex. Passion comes natural to him, he makes all women feel the way he made you feel. I would check and see how many women he has right now. He is not a one woman guy. He hasnt contacted you because hes not interested. My guess is he has someone else, or a few others.