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Nobody is liking my status' on Facebook!? - Printable Version

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Nobody is liking my status' on Facebook!? - Swag Boiiii - 02-19-2014 12:22 PM

I posted like 5 status' about how I ran 6 miles and had to delete them all because nobody likes none of my sh*t! Its so embarassing! Everybody probably sees my status' when they get no likes and laugh and talk about what a loser I am, and people wonder why I b1tch all the time.
EDIT: I decided to just deactivate my account, I need a break. I've been on Facebook non-stop since 2009. I have social anxiety and I guess "likes" make me feel loved and important.

- Michelle S. Lee - 02-19-2014 12:31 PM

You shouldn't let this stuff get to you; if you had fun running 6 miles, nobody else's opinions on it really matter. This is actually really common amongst Facebook users now, it's called the Facebook Syndrome, or something like that. When one's statuses aren't regularly liked and commented, it causes the user to experience mass depression and anxiety.. But honestly, Facebook isn't really going to help you get a job, nor will it change your social or financial status. Be who you are! Just because people don't like your status doesn't mean they'll talk behind your back, unless YOU'RE talking behind someone's back. Sometimes, people have too much schedule on their hands as well, and honestly, news feeds are messy as heck. Don't sweat it, my Facebook timeline is just me talking to myself 24/7 but I'm okay, because I get to let my feelings out about what happened, and I'm not living in this world to get FB likes.. It's for my own wellbeing. c:

- Shanks P - 02-19-2014 12:36 PM

If you're doing something, do it because you want to. Not to get the approval of people you don't care about.
Expectations lead to disappointments

- Swarnim - 02-19-2014 12:38 PM

You answered your question yourself

- Mona - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

You can get more likes on Facebook by adding your page here i got 59 likes on my first picture. And its free!!