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How to become a king a start a dynasty of my own? - Printable Version

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How to become a king a start a dynasty of my own? - Do I look attractive? - 02-19-2014 12:22 PM

I like to do it in some poor regions of the world with not much international support for those countries.

- Bada Bing - 02-19-2014 12:28 PM

Poor regions? Did you go back to mom's house? Try that.

- Elliot - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM

Get off Yahoo Answers for starters.

- Deino - 02-19-2014 12:38 PM

Get a whole bunch of food and ammunition.

First give a group of people lots of food. Provide medical care and other technology so that they love you.

WHen their evil overlord leaders come out to punish you for interrupting their delicate economic ecosystem, pass out the weapons and slaughter them all.
Once the people are leaderless, you can pronounce yourself king, promising them all the things that you provided before, the primary thing being a better life.

Boom! You are the king.

Of course, that title carries the responsibility of personally defending these people from future invasion, which may also imply that you have created a rebel faction and ignited civil war.
You will also have the responsibility of maintaining the distribution of whatever you provided in order to gain popular support or else you will certainly be assassinated.
SO it's a very difficult, stressful and potentially endless job. However, if you can fight off your enemies, rip away a piece of property on Earth to claim for your own established kingdom, acquire the support of the people- enough that they will adhere to your commands to unilaterally grow agriculture on your land for food and generate other forms of export revenue, then you will have a kingdom!

- lesbiana - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

try afghanistan

- Mary - 02-19-2014 12:52 PM

You will have to oppose me..I am currently running for" Queen Of The World", not doing too bad either, my family already calls me "she who MUST be obeyed !

- ray s - 02-19-2014 12:57 PM

   i. Take control of the media.
  ii. Hire people with good persuasive skills to denigrate your toughest opposition.
 iii. Use the media to convince the masses that you are looking out for them even
      though it's a lie. Say it often and with conviction. There is no need to be specific.
      Enough of them will believe.
 iv. Put a name to that group of believers so that they can identify with each other.
      They will become your "army".
  v. Use that following of believers to gain political control of towns, villages, and
      regions of the state you want to rule.
 vi. Use that political control to break up any major social groupings, like labor unions,
      that can be an obstacle to your rule.
vii. Use that political control to put in place laws that strengthen your place in the
viii. Use that political control to structure elections so that your supporters can gain
      more political positions in the state you want to rule.
  ix. Generate a crisis (or take advantage of one that arises) and use your media to
      promote your group of followers as the only ones capable of fixing it ... Repeat as
      often as necessary.
   x. Be selected (or elected) by your following of believers as the solution to all
      existing problems.
  xi. Nullify (or make illegal) all political parties other than your own.
 xii. Declare yourself King.