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Do you think my parents are strict? - Printable Version

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Do you think my parents are strict? - Jena - 02-19-2014 12:22 PM

So i think they are. When i go swimming i have to wear a rash guard and shorts that go to my knees. I have to dress like a fricken nun. I only have 1 rash guard and 1 pair of shorts cause the rest aren"t ''MODEST'' enough. I can't wear off the shoulder shirts, bikinis, tankinis, 1 pieces,short dresses short shorts, tank tops or skirts that are above the knee. My parents thinks that everything that i listed above is slutty and only sluts wear them. I'm not allowed to wear nail polish or have Facebook, twitter (ect). If my parents caught me talking to a boy they would be soooooooooooo mad. They always barge in my room and they say i don't need privacy.

- tinypancake088 - 02-19-2014 12:27 PM

Yes. I would go insane if my parents were like that.

- Nichelle - 02-19-2014 12:29 PM

Yep, they're really strict.

- Katy - 02-19-2014 12:32 PM

My parents don't let me have facebook or twitter either Sad it sucks ! Well your parents aren't strict, they are just a little bit over-protective. Tell them how you feel

- Mimi - 02-19-2014 12:36 PM

Omg!!! You're parents are so strict! How do you deal with that??? My parents aren't strict at all they let me wear my skirts as short as I want!?

- Collin - 02-19-2014 12:44 PM

Ok, your parents were being protective about your swimsuit, they just care! now the barge in your room and no privacy thing is not what a parent is supposed to be about. Tell your parents about this comment and maybe you guys can make out a deal. First, FOR SURELY make out a deal with privacy, parents jobs are to make sure your kid doesn't make mistakes but ALWAYS RESPECT PRIVACY! and if parents are too strict on their daughter, their daughter just want to be a slutty whore when she grows up to piss them off. So get the privacy done maybe some less swimwear and the makeup depends on your age. 13- normal age for make-up.

- kali - 02-19-2014 12:51 PM

With the rash of molesters increasing..sounds like they are protecting u. Their house their rules. But its on in college