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How to make someone unfollow you on twitter? - Printable Version

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How to make someone unfollow you on twitter? - Insanedonkey783 - 10-14-2012 09:38 AM

Apparently, some amateur porn star is following me on twitter. And considering I'm a thirteen year old girl, I DO NOT want her following me. How do I make her go away?

- Amanda Marie - 10-14-2012 09:46 AM

I'm pretty sure the only way to unfollow them is to block them. Go to thier twitter profile page, and there should be a gray person icon that allows you to block them.

However I think those are just dumb spammers, and if you want you can change your twitter account where people have to request to follow you, and this means they can't see your tweets via searches/hashtags but they can if they look up your @name. You can do that by Twitter settings>Account>Tweet protection.
Hopes this helps! If it doesnt well that was a fail!