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PLEASE HELP WILL ANSWER YOUR QUESTION BACK (About this girl I love)? - Printable Version

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PLEASE HELP WILL ANSWER YOUR QUESTION BACK (About this girl I love)? - K1NGFI1GHT - 02-19-2014 12:25 PM

Its this girl I like at school.We talk,laugh,make fun etc.I just need some advice to get in there and deeper in a relationship.8th grade.Im also kindof shy being around her and nervous.I think she kindof found out I like her becuase how I react and my behavor.EX-Like ill look at her and when she looks at me I look away.Sometimes we smile at eachother.And I sit right next to her in class.What are some steps I can do.I dont really nerd a professional but someone with EXPERENCE.We are both 14 too im way to shy to just go up and say Wanna go out?I just cant I would but you know...What happens if she says no and tells the whole grade? She will first tell hdr friends.Her friend will tell their friends and so on next thing you know the whole grade.know REALLY NEED HELP SERIOUSLY.I WILL TRY TO ANSWER YOUR WUESTION BACK-THANKS IN ADVANCE-

- Mckenna Bailey - 02-19-2014 12:34 PM

First don't ask her to go out with you if that's not what you want, just start a nice friendly convo with her and then ask her if she wants to hang out sometime and if u don't want it to be you two alone just invite some friends too hope this helped Smile

- Nikki - 02-19-2014 12:37 PM

Try just making small talk at first or if you are still too nervous for that try messaging her on Facebook to "ask about homework" then Start a convo from that. Also pump yourself up! Girls like confidence. Just don't mistake confidence for creepyness or cockyness. You'll be fine!! Just take a deep breath and be yourself!!

- BuckFutt - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

First of all, girls respond to CONFIDENCE. 8th grade is WAY TOO OLD to be acting like a pu$$y, you need to get over it and go for it. When i was inexperienced i would be shy too and I know the feeling you're talking about, but it never goes away intil you muster the balls and go for it. You at least have the advantage of being able to text or talk over Facebook so you don't have to face her to flirt, i didn't have that as a kid, so you got it EASY kid. If you can't do it in person, message her and start to flirt. Have a beer first to loosen up if that helps. Protip: alcohol will make you forget about being shy. Get a few beers down, message her, and say this : "hey! What's up? (get a little small talk in, then just come out with it) can i ask you a serious question?" first compliment her. It's a FACT that girls like guys that openly like them. You have to let her know you're attracted to her BEFORE asking her out. Say "i don't want to creep you out, so if this is out of line, .