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Fake fb accounts fb names turned to cops??hlp? - Printable Version

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Fake fb accounts fb names turned to cops??hlp? - swansong - 02-19-2014 12:25 PM

3 fake fbs completely random made up names and random Pic from photo bucket.

She sais accounts were used to contact one person. And she was rude to said person.

Long story short the person my friends was contacting thew the 3 fake accounts said the 3 names were turned over to the cops. No threats were made from my friend to the other person.
The girl said that when the cops find out whoo did this they r gonna get pinned for harassment fraud and stocking.

Is this true? Will the cops look into it? What will happen.

She sais she deleted one account and the other two she lost the passwords for so she hasent been on them.

- Greg Brock - 02-19-2014 12:31 PM

I know the fake facebooks accounts will be deleted, but honestly not sure how or if police will handle it

- dload - 02-19-2014 12:41 PM

You can't delete your facebook (it can be recovered even after a year or so) - facebook itself is a datamining project, it collects all your details down to the things you have clicked like upon, by default it scans the photos uploaded to it and Photo DNAs them (even resizing, modifying, changing colours, it will still know that person's face, match it against others and mark it in the backend), the facebook applications are even allowed full access into all your personal details/photos just by one warning which 99% of people will ignore, etc. Privacy is a joke!

For example: Upload a photo, get the direct URL link to it and save it / bookmark, delete that photo... wait for up to 18 months and reaccess that direct URL. The photo will still be there, everything you delete is simply hidden from you.

Facebook uses multiple backup datastores which keep everything for up to 18 months after being deleted.

The anonymous hackers group threaten Facebook and was planning to take it down if they continued this actions, however they didn't go through with the original plan. Look it up on Youtube - "Anonymous Facebook November 5".

Thousands of people have blacked out their Facebook profile image in protects, Facebook itself is losing thousands of people a day, but still has millions.

A person attempted to sue Facebook due to this privacy invasion, asked in court for a print out of how much data they had on him within 6 month usage. Facebook produced 278 double sided pages of detail. Look up lots on Google - "facebook sued privacy".

Facebook is known to sell personal details to the government and forward them onto CIA, etc. CIA paid $50,000.00 to Facebook and owns a percentage of Facebook for themselves mostly used for recruitment.

Why they do this? Well it's unmoral to microchip and track a person from baby to adulthood, yet people can freely give their information online - specially in a timeline. From this they can use it for good to track missing children, terrorists, criminals, suicudal notes, threats, gate crashers, fake users, abused kids, etc. Your'll be surprised how many kids will post things about being bullied at school, suicude notes, getting revenge, and even posting a photo of themselves posing with guns or telling others their plans. They might be able to do something before it's too late or at least work out the details afterwards.

As for impersonating someone on Facebook, it is now illegal ... specifically prohibits impersonating anyone online with the objective of harming, intimidating, threatening or defrauding. Minimum result with be disabling those accounts. However such acts can become misdemeanors punishable by a fine up up to $1000 and a year in jail.

- Kittysue - 02-19-2014 12:48 PM

These teens are being sued for $50,000 for creating fake Facebook accounts to harass someone