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Your thoughts on this? - itsgamblintime - 02-19-2014 12:25 PM

You were involved with someone back home for close to two years. You move away for grad school to get your PhD,and don't want a LDR, thus ending the relationship with the guy back home.

After being at school a few weeks or so, you're in a new relationship almost right away. You tell the guy back home about it, it takes it hard and basically cuts off communication with you, except for Facebook. You still attempt to contact him off and on, through texts, FB likes/comments/etc and even sending pics of your pet to him multiple various times (5 mos. apart). You're on and off with the guy at school and then later the following spring/summer/fall you're single and on multiple dating sites and still seeking attention from the guy back home, but he's really not giving you any, but a little bit more than before. Before the holidays, so a few months later, you're back with the guy at school again. The guy back home who held back his feelings about you, disables his FB account and ignores your Happy Bday text message and about a month later he sends you an email spilling his guts on how he still loves you, hopes you'll be back, etc. Its a very deep and emotional letter.

Four months later, the guy back home finds an email from you in a different email account that he rarely checks (he sent the letter to you from his school account). The email he found was entitled "question" in the subject line.

- What "question" could you have?
- Would your email to him with a "question" likely be good? Do you still have feelings for him?
- Its reasonable to assume you emailed something to him from the email he originally sent the letter from, but since he never accessed that account ever again, it was never received, so you tried another account?
-If he never answered your "question" would you try other ways of reaching him considering the situation, or does that really require a lot of guts after all this time?
-You're looking at his Linkedin profile that summer

Many stated that the girl at school would likely contact him when she was single again.

Many stated that if she was moving forward with the guy at school, she wouldn't email the guy back home 4 months later.

- ella - 02-19-2014 12:27 PM

Distance is a terrible thing. however from the soumds of it he really cares about you...and you him. that other guy? Just sounds like a flinf. when you have history and chemistry with someone you need to take the chance. see him again. my advice for you is to maybe try calling him... see if you guys can meet usomewhere and catch up. if you love'll do anything and everything to try to get together again. he clearly still likes you. now its your turn to respond back. don't ignore what couldve been because you might look back one day and ask yourself... "why didn't i give him another chance?"
Best of luck,
Ella Dawn