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I think i am kind of mentally retarded? - Printable Version

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I think i am kind of mentally retarded? - Eric - 02-19-2014 12:25 PM

alright, please read this first, ( i am not trolling). I am 18 years old, and i think i might have some mental problems, everybody including my family treated me weirdly unfairly. It ill started in kindergarten, where my teacher called my lazy and slow, and i would find it difficult to complete tasks and then in the 3rd grade, i was slow in math, took longer to finish math problems, my grades were poor to medium, my teachers said i would daydream and have trouble paying attention, I didn't play sports because i had poor coordination, i also would get hyperactive in the night and lazy in the day.

when i 13, my teacher gave me a book about learning disorders, and i got angry and ripped the book to pieces, because i didn't wanted say that i am dumb, years later i decided to give it a look again, i read through and i seemed to have some mental disabilities. I hate my life, my family calls me stupid, i have no social life, friends or a girlfriend, and i cant get a job because i am too slow to learn and pick up things and could endanger everybody around me.

after reading the learning disorder book, I seem to have these problems, but i dont know if do.

-psychomotor retardation
-attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

- Thunderousmen444 - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM

If you had these 3 disabilities they very likely would have been identified by your teachers. If they were truly concerned they wouldn't just give you a book, but consult with your parents and very likely get tested.

ADHD rarely goes undiagnosed. If you have it your behavior would be so disruptive, someone would have wanted to look into it.

Discalculia is often missed, but it rarely is more than just a major nuisance. Most people by your age has learned tricks that make it easier.

Psychomotor retardation? How about instead - clumsy? Everything that makes you less than perfect is not a disability. There are all kinds of variance in human development.

- Wow - 02-19-2014 12:36 PM

No, I don't think you are mentally slow or anything. It's possible that you may have a learning difficulty / learning difference. And you seem like a very sensitive / emotional person which can a result of low self esteem due the frustration you feel about your unknown or undiagnosed disability.

I felt the same for years and years, I then went to University and found out that I have severe dyslexia and dyspraxia. Things improved after that. I learned that I was very intelligent in other areas that the average person would struggle.

You are probably not as slow as you think, your brain might just be wired differently and that you are having to function / do and learn everything like the average person who has no disability.
We are all differently, some are just too different though. Does not mean you are stupid, inhuman or anything.

- purringjeans145 - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

No one is "mentally retarded." The correct term is person with an intellectual disability.