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What is the difference between facebook, twitter and myspace? - Printable Version

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What is the difference between facebook, twitter and myspace? - roland - 02-19-2014 12:25 PM

I know they are social networks and I already have facebook, but I don't know what these sites really differ from one another.

- Expertjellyfish409 - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM

Personally, I think Twitter, my space are crap.
I have Face Book only to keep up with my kids
and grand kids. Also my only friends are family
and close friends.

- Daniel - 02-19-2014 12:34 PM

Twitter is Just a Status Website Where you Just Tweet you Can Include hash Tags Mention People Maybe Private Message People and Thats it

Facebook you Can Do a Lot More than That you Can Play Games Add Pictures Add Photo Albums Chat With People

Myspace Not a Lot of People Use it Anymore But the Ones That still Do It is Used Mainly For Music and Entertainment you Can Connect With Other People Add Pictures Write Comments on Other Peoples Profiles

None of the 3 Sites Are the Same

- cool star 100 - 02-19-2014 12:35 PM

Myspace- You get to customize every thing from your profile to the songs you get to put on there. Its a palace of expressing yourself.

Facebook- Less toned down version of myspace. You can't customize the color of your profile and other things, but Its the breeding ground of alot of games like Farmville, Cafeworld etc. Plus once you get the hang of it, you will enjoy coming up with witty status updates and the fan pages.

Twitter- More celebrity based, you basically narrate your life. Like " I'm standing in line all the way to china just to purchase one thing" stuff like that. And it has followers, just determines how many people are interested with your twitter. Same equivalent as friends on facebook and myspace.