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Why is a pretty girl in my school depressed? - Vincent - 02-19-2014 12:25 PM

This girl is like really hot and nice. Like... really hot. But on Instagram, she's all upset and depressed and cutting. Why is a beautiful girl doing this. I know as a fact she doesn't have family troubles, and she has had many boyfriends and can easily get one. Is it for attention? I also kind of like her.

- Ninja543 - 02-19-2014 12:30 PM

Even if she's pretty it doesn't mean she believes so, many pretty girls out there don't feel good about their own appearance. You should ask her out. Tell her how you feel about her, and that your worried about her because of what your say on Instagram, let her know that what ever is wrong you'd be happy to be there for her in any way you can, even if she doesn't want to go out with you.

Cutting isn't going to help her though, it may make her feel better for short while, but in the long wrong it'll only make her feel worse, tell her this and suggest that she talk to a therapist, or if not that then a school counselor.

- Maari Latoa - 02-19-2014 12:36 PM

just because it seems like she doesn't have family troubles, doesn't mean there isn't something laying under the surface there. Feeling of unappreciation, misconnection. Not being able to belong or relate to one's own family, or not being able to lean on them, or not feeling noticed. Also things like a lack of routine, family involvement and structure can make a kid depressed- but not be obvious.
Girls also go through a lot emotionally as they mature, and face a lot of inward dilemmas based on their morals and their sexual drive. Hormones are powerful things. If she is having many possibly hormone-based emotions and thoughts that come as being confusing and even wrong to her, it may make her upset.
Even if she's pretty, she might have a complex in thinking she has no skills, talent, or even may never be appreciated for anything but her looks. It happens to a lot of very beautiful women (and men)
There is the possibility that she's just doing it for attention, but there's always an underlying reason for wanting the attention and seeking it in a negative way. Maybe she wants people to take her seriously but thinks they wont unless they think she is sad.

There's a number of reasons she could be doing what she's doing, you're only going to know the truth of it from her.
Although she may not even understand why herself.
She just needs some help, because whether if just for attention or not, she is in a dark spiral of thought that is never healthy.

- asia - 02-19-2014 12:41 PM

Because she is a human duh, no matter how pretty, rich, or famous you are, you still have emotions. Please try not to ask stupid questions, its like saying why is this ugly girl depressed?

- F - 02-19-2014 12:46 PM

Maybe shes sick of being known as the pretty girl. Maybe she just wants people to understand that there is more to her than that

- Brian - 02-19-2014 12:54 PM

Take her out as a friend and talk to her face to face. Tell her you know her cutting is a way to feel physical pain for the emotional scars she has. Keep her as occupied as you can, perhaps tell her to speak to someone more professional.

If you're lucky, she may see you as her knight in shining armor for helping her save herself. I did that for a girl who was only a friend, and I helped encourage her to live her life and do for herself. She was on so many anti-depressants it was disgusting. (I don't believe in fixing the mind with drugs if possible). She became a doctor and about a year after I felt she found confidence and love in herself she found a man and got married and has been happy since. Every now and then she still phones me to let me know I will always have a special place in her heart because if it wasn't for me she would have followed through in her suicide attempts eventually, she wouldn't fall in love and get married, and she has a practice that's expanding. Of course, I could have been that guy but my interest wasn't quite there. Yours is and it may be rewarding for you.

Good luck.

- SilverFang - 02-19-2014 12:58 PM

Pretty people have issues too.

She had boyfriends, but apparently, they never worked out because the key word is "had." Guys may have just wanted her for sex, or broken her heart. But none of those guys worked out, despite the fact she's pretty

Also, you thin she's pretty/ Doesn't mean she does.

I think my look is horrible. but my friend says I am pretty, and she's jealous of my looks. Even though she's the one with a boyfriend she lost her virginity to, and I am 23 and never dated. 2 guys thought I was cute. But that was it. Other guys just like any girl, as they only care about sex, or thought I was ugly.

So, opinion on looks varies.

And unless you live with her, you don't know the complete story of her home life. There may be a good bit of drama in her family.

So you thinking she's hot has nothing to do with her. Apparently, she does have issues. If you want her to cheer up, be a friend. Talk to her, get to really know her. Maybe she'll share some problems with you, and you can help her.

- Emma - 02-19-2014 01:03 PM

whats her instagram?