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Can you find out who...? - Printable Version

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Can you find out who...? - Summer Gray - 02-19-2014 12:25 PM

Can you find out who looks at your profile on Facebook?!!! My crush just posted this link and I'm FREAKING out! Because it says 'find out who looks at your profile'. I look at his profile...a lot!

Heres the Website:

- ? - 02-19-2014 12:29 PM

You cannot. Facebook apps that claim to be able to track profile visits are lying and violating FB terms of service. They do this in order to get FB users to open their profile to the app, where the app will then collect your personal data and email address and anything else you have in your profile. Then they resell this information to advertisers and spammers.

Check the link below for the official statement from Facebook. Here is their response:

Q: Can I know who’s viewing my profile or how often it’s being viewed?

A: No, Facebook does not provide a functionality that enables you to track who is viewing your profile, or parts of your profile, such as your photos. Third party applications also cannot provide this functionality. Applications that claim to give you this ability will be removed from Facebook for violating policy. You can report applications that provide untrustworthy experiences by clicking the "Report Application" at the bottom of the application’s About page, or by clicking "Report" at the bottom of any canvas page within the application.