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How do I get in contact with facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I get in contact with facebook? - Maria - 02-19-2014 12:26 PM

I REFUSE to find another email. I want a phone number where an actual person will pick up and help me.

There's a group on facebook that has caused so much distress that I nearly killed myself (not joking, I've changed but when the harassment began to get bad I wanted to end it).

Within the past year, people in this group have harassed me verbally, emotionally, and physically as pathetic as that sounds. They view me as a horrible person and the lengths these people have gone to are just pathetic. I had explosives sent to my house. FUCKING. EXPLOSIVES. Detectives are even investigating some members of this group because they've done so much to me.

Now my point is that I want this group gone. Vanished completely with no way to be resurrected except to start over from scratch. I've sent report after report and NOTHING has been done. I've sent 3 emails to what were supposed to be real people that could take care of it, I sent them links to the group explaining the entire story which, believe me, is far more complex than what I'm writing right now and I probably couldn't even write all the things they've done to me with 4000 characters anyways.

I'm hoping that if I get in touch with a real person higher up than these automated "we reviewed your claim" messages then something will get done.
Guys you're not reading right. I can't just quit facebook and everything will be peachy. They're harassing me IN REAL LIFE. Quitting facebook just means I can't see what they're going to do next. I NEED this group gone for my own physical safety! No I'm not over reacting. Over reacting was when I stopped leaving my house. Over reacting was when I slept with a knife next to my bed. Over reacting was when I locked every door in my house, covered all the windows, and slept with every light in the room on so that no one could sneak up on me. Now I want shit DONE.

- Dan Fear - 02-19-2014 12:36 PM

I'm sure you're not the only one who wants to contact facebook, but with millions and millions of members, any call center would be immediately flooded with calls, and still then i doubt anything would be done.

I suggest you just quit facebook, or delete your account and create a brand new one under a false name or something...

- Jan - 02-19-2014 12:43 PM

Why don't you just stop using facebook if it's making your life so horrible? What's so great that's keeping you there?
Facebook is for stupid people who need to get a life. Go out and make some REAL friends, people that make you feel GOOD.
Just ignore those ignorant idiots, they're just thriving on it when you get so emotional about it.

- abraXus - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

facebook dosent have a phone number, sorry

- Poly - 02-19-2014 12:51 PM

Contact with Facebook

1. Go to the Help Center. You can find this option by clicking on the settings gear on the top right hand side of your home page and clicking on the option at the very bottom, "Visit Help Center."At the bottom of every page—either under the ads or in the footer—you will see a set of links.

2. Click "Report an Issue." This will be one of the six options you will see.

3. Find the issue you want to report. On this page, you'll find several links to report anything from TOS (Terms of Service) violations, IP (Intellectual Properties) issues, and bullying, to offering tools for parents and educators, and more.

4. Send them feedback. While they don't have a direct email response system, you can still offer your thoughts by filling out a short form. This can help address the issue you have in mind.

Using the Community Forum.

1. Go to the Facebook Help Page.

You can go hear by clicking the settings gear on the top right hand side of your home page and selecting "Visit the Help Center" at the bottom of the drop down menu.

2. Select "Community Forum." You can find this option on the bottom right of the page. This will bring you to a page with a variety of topics.[1]

3. Find the topic that is relevant to your problem. Look under "Popular topics" on the right hand side and see if you can find the topic relevant to your problem. There are a variety of topics available, from "Privacy" and "Groups" to "Account Settings" and "Messages."

4. Ask a question if you can't find the answer you want. If the forums don't lead you to anything helpful, just go back to the main "Community forum" page and click on "Ask a question." Then type in your question, categorize it, and press "Post" and sit back and wait for an answer. Though this isn't a direct way of contacting Facebook, it's likely that you'll find the help you need here.

Getting More Help

1. Don't bother calling the number for Facebook support. Though Facebook does list a number for support, 650-543-4800, if you dial it, you will just be directed to find help online. This won't be worth it since you'll be back where you started.

2. Search the Help Center for your problem. You can also click on the Help Center and then search for your problem in the bar at the top of the page to see if you can find an answer.

3. Get updates on Privacy and Security on Facebook. All you have to do to get these is to like Facebook's Privacy and Security pages.

4. Visit the Safety Center for more information on how to stay safe while using Facebook. This can be a valuable resource, especially for younger users.