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what should I do now in thos station ? its about My Mom? - Printable Version

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what should I do now in thos station ? its about My Mom? - Megan - 02-19-2014 12:27 PM

Im 23 years old and for over 5 years, Mom has been controlling me, verbal abuseing me, making me a slave, harssing me, emotional blackmail and very disprectful. 2 days ago, she called the police on me for stealing files from her hosue ( which I didn't ) and she blocked me on facebook yet she left a voice mail on my fiancé's phone and asked me to talk to her and she wants to apolize for calling the police on me but that's a lie. im afraid to talk to her again because I think she gonna give me the gulid trip again. Mom put my name under the bills and I don't live with her anymore. I live with my fiancé . I lost soo much trust from her and I don't know if I should just avoid my mom until im completely ready to talk to her ,which might be 2 months from now, or just call her tonight ,because I miss her, and let her give me the guild trip as usually;

OT start off the whole story, I moved out 3 weeks ago, and mom was anger at me that I did and Also , she use my names under the bills, so I closed my accounts (Comcast and Nstar). and last time , she made me feel soo bad that I wasn't going to turn off nstar until april.

The point it, she still soo mean to me but should I call my mom anyway even thought she gonna harrssed me and stuff. I just miss her.. or should I sjut give her what she deserved,( no talking to me for a month) and talk to her when im ready? any advice please.

- Yuki - 02-19-2014 12:31 PM

that's pretty rough, I would just say clear of her for a while, don't answer any phone calls, nothing, just take some time to yourself.

- Pearl L - 02-19-2014 12:33 PM

just wait till shes not verbally abusing you to talk to her

- See leVel - 02-19-2014 12:40 PM

Mom is not going anywhere nor are you, so wait and see, till both of you cool down.
At 23, live your own life away from mom but maintain a relationship without being harassed or guilt trips.