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When I argue, will I lose friends? - Printable Version

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When I argue, will I lose friends? - eageryear757 - 02-19-2014 12:27 PM

I have have the thought that when I stand up for one of my beliefs (e.g., writing articles) and posting it out there for people to see and get the word out that my friends will disagree with my articles and not be my friend anymore.

I have a few questions:

1) If they argue or send me a comment about the article disagreeing with me, what should I do? Should I argue back with reasons that are valid - I just don't want to take an argument to go down without my thoughts.

2) If they don't let me come over anymore is that wrong?

3) Is there anything as a friedly debate that would't end in any hatred of the other person = perhaps I am being overly pessimstic about standing up for my beliefs?

I never introduce my beliefs directly to anyone, I usually just post articles and twitter them and facebook them so they have the choice to read them. This should be carried in mind.

After reading all this, if you can answer at least one question I would be grateful. Once again, I am a really friendly person but scared to stand up. Should I start?

- Bookworm - 02-19-2014 12:28 PM

u need to stand up for yourself even if you lose friends and if they're really you're friends they will understand when you decide to stand up for yourself

- Teacher - 02-19-2014 12:32 PM

Some things should be left personal. Only engage in a battle only after setting an example did no good. You don't give a specific argument. Vagaries should remain silent.

- ladytee - 02-19-2014 12:41 PM

It's called freedom of speech. You're intitled to your opinions. They don't have to agree. If you can't be yourself around them and speck your mind, then be glad they don't want to be around you. If you don't stand for something, you won't stand for nothing.

- Jay - 02-19-2014 12:49 PM

If they can't respect your opinion, that everyone is entitle to they were not your friends in the first place. Friends are very few, everyone you think is friend if really not. You can't talk to everyone on all subjects. So pick your battle careful. Stand up for your beliefs. Keep an open mind that someone may have a better answer than you. You can't win them all. Winning is not everything. Don't kill the messager listen to the message.